Saturday, May 01, 2010

Family History Idea

My sisters had a great idea for a mother's day gift for our mom. It's a family group sheet made with silhouettes of each family member. First, I took a profile shot of each member of our family (and each individual family did the same). Like this:

Then my sister Sarah did her magic in Photoshop to turn it into a silhouette and this is the final project:

My mom loved it and it is a beautiful addition to a family history wall.


Rach said...

I am so stealing this idea. I LOVE that!!

Bond Fam said...

That is a really cute idea! I love it! I hope you don't mind I commented on a bunch of your posts, its just so fun to read up on what you have all been up to! I am looking forward to seeing you all in NM on the 24th of July hopefully!