Saturday, May 19, 2007

David's Birthday

Spring is a busy birthday time in our home! David turned 7 on May 11th. Here are some pictures from his fun day.

Here is his cake. David's present passion is turtles. When I lit the candles Josh exclaimed "the cake even smells like a turtle!". I don't think he realized that wouldn't be a good thing...

Since David had requested this item and he could tell what it was from it's large and odd shape - he opened it first. They didn't have any more Teenage mutant ninja turtle chairs so I had to settle for Thomas. Thankfully it didn't matter much to David. He now has his own "couch" to sit on. Now the problem is when all 4 kids want to sit on it at once. It doesn't help that Josh thinks that Thomas is his favorite thing and can be no one else's!

It made for a good spot to open the other presents.

He got a fun lego set. He got one a few years ago and had a really hard time figuring out how to put it together. Now, with some age and experience, he put this one together in no time! He also got some Moon Sand (thank you short infomercials for kids), and a TMNT lunch box.

Here's my 7 year old!


Ginger said...

looks like a turtle and smells like a turtle... yum! josh is so funny. happy birthday david!

Jess said...

I am so glad I get to see and read about what you guys are up to these days. Your kids are so cute and I am sure you are very busy with all of them.