Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our Big News

You may have noticed that I have been painfully absent from blogging for a while. We got some big news a few weeks ago that has been occupying my time and my thoughts. I couldn't blog about it just yet because it wasn't final. Well, it is now official. Aaron has accepted a new job with Honeywell and we will be moving to Las Cruces, New Mexico. He is starting on June 16. This is all happening faster than I would like, but we are feeling prompted that this is the right decision for our family. We really like Omaha, but are excited for this new adventure. We will be closer to some family - Aaron's parents and two of his siblings live in Farmington, New Mexico (about 6 hours north). It is a lot closer than the 16 hours that it takes to drive there from Omaha. I have been quite busy getting the house ready to sell, dejunking, and getting everything organzied. I still have A LOT to do so you may notice my absence here for a while. Please wish us luck on our exciting new adventure!


Laura Bloomfield said...

I am very excited for your new adventure!!! Jeremy and I have already talked about meeting up with you guys in ABQ and doing temple sessions together and oh so many fun things we can do now!! Yay!!! We have missed you all having you so far away, we look forward to having a closer relationship with you guys and the kids!!! YAY!!!! We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers and hope that you will sell your house quickly!

Bond Fam said...

Im so excited for you guys, and hang in there you guys will get everything done in time!

Julie Olson said...

That's awesome and stressful at the same time. But just think how much warmer you'll be all year. Best wishes.

Amanda Stevens said...

Amanda I am glad to here you are doing well and that you have exciting news. I hope you are going to make it up north soon. We would love you to stay anytime. Good Luck with the housing market. I hope it is not too stressful.

Jess said...

My mom said she talked with you at Sarah's reception and that you had mentioned you were moving. Another adventure for your family. Good luck with everything! I bet it is a challenge selling a house with four kids.