Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of School

I am so behind in blogging I thought I better just jump in on what is going on right now. The kids had their first day of school at the beginning of August. Rachel started on August 4th (6th graders started one day early) and David and Josh started on August 5th. They were all very excited to go back to school. Rachel was especially looking forward to lockers, changing classes, and more lunch choices. She also gets to ride the bus - which I enjoy more than she does! I am so glad that all of my kids enjoy school so much and that they are such good students.

Here is Rachel on her first day of 6th grade.

Holding her all important schedule:

The next day David and Josh got to go to school.
David is in 4th grade:

Here is Josh all ready for 1st grade:

David and Josh in front of their school:

Emma starts her preschool co-op in September. Some days she is excited about it and other days she says she just wants to stay home with me. I'm pretty sure that she will enjoy it.

I hope all the kids have a happy, productive healthy school year!


Elle said...

Oh, I can't believe Rachel has a locker! She looks so cute and grown up. David and Josh look so cute, I like the picture of them in front of their school. :)

Bond Fam said...

They all look so grown up! I can't believe Rachel is old enough to have a locker, Im feeling old.