Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Snow, 100th day of School and Valentines

So, we got some snow here! We had several days of bone chilling temps (like -20 with windchills in the -40 range). The kids were out of school for 2 days just for that. There was some snow, but not much. Then, the next week, we got a lot of snow. This picture was before the final snow, and it doesn't look like a whole lot, but we probably got at least a foot with 2 subsequent storms.

I ventured out on Monday (we were in between storms) and got totally stuck in our neighborhood. After we got 8 inches on Sunday, I guess they didn't see the need to send plows to the residential streets. Thanks to a nice neighbor I got home.

You know you are in Colorado when you have -20 degree weather, followed by a foot of snow, and then it's 50 degrees a few days later (the next day, it was mid 60s). It was perfect snow man building weather. We still had all the snow in our front yard, but it was warm enough to be outside without a coat.

So, because of the weather, Emma's 100th day of school party kept getting postponed. She finally had it on Feb. 9th and was very proud of the hat she made.

She brought in 100 chocolate chips to add to a trail mix and 100 pennies to count.

Valentines day was a little hard for the kids giving up sweets, but they survived. They are saving their candy for later.
I remember making these as a kid, so we made some for the kids' teachers. It's cocoa Rice Krispie treats that you press into a funnel to get the shape.

And then you wrap them in tin foil to make a giant "Hershey's Kiss".

It's a fun way to make a treat!

And here's Emma who just wanted to get in the picture.

Hope you had a fun valentines day too!

1 comment:

Elle said...

I always thought the weather in NM varied but it sounds like CO is even more extreme. Glad you guys survived the cold weather. Those are the cutest rice krispy treats, we will have to try making those sometime.