Saturday, December 02, 2006

Giving Thanks

Despite being away from all of our family, we had a very nice Thanksgiving. I didn't want to cook a big meal for just our immediate family, so we decided to invite some families in our ward over. Turns out, a lot of people here don't have family around either. We had two nice families over and that way I didn't have to cook everything my self. We had the traditional fare - turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, yams, green bean casserole, rolls, and pie. We had a nice 20 lb turkey (that only cost me $6.00, thanks to Bag 'n Save). It was difficult deciding on a cooking/preparation method since everything I read or heard turned out to be something different. "Brine it! , smoke it!, cook it upside down!" I opted to cook the turkey in a turkey bag. The only problem (if you can call it a problem) was that the turkey cooked in 3 1/2 hours. It was ready way before everything else was. I thought it tasted pretty good. Everyone liked my cornucopias made from ice cream cones (steam the end and bend it to make it look authentic) and a good time was had by all. Again, I was so anxious about the preparations that I didn't take any pictures. I guess I need to be better about that. And now, I can take one deep breath, because Christmas is coming, and I have a lot to do....

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