Thursday, October 12, 2006

Books, books, books!

I love books. I rarely pass up an opportunity to order books when my kids bring home a book order. I also have discovered an online bookstore called book closeouts that has great deals on books. This also means that I have collected a great deal of children's books. Ever since we moved here there have been books in several different places - kids rooms, living room, basement, and every place in between. I decided to gather all the books and organize them. It was actually kind of fun. This is what I discovered:These are the duplicates. Some of them were gifts but I know of at least one that I ordered twice from a book order. This is why it's a good idea to organize your books!

David loves dinosaurs and I can't resist a cute dinosaur book. So far we have 23. And every time there is a dinosaur book in a book order David thinks we need to add to our collection.
I also love collections. Here is the "If you give a mouse a cookie..." set.

David loves the David Shannon books. It is always fun to see your own name in print. The David books are filled with all sorts of silly things that a little boy named David does. My favorite one is when the David in the book is making a face in his school picture. When I got my David's preschool pictures back, I noticed that David was doing the exact same thing.
I also love books that I read as a child. Beverly Cleary was one of my favorites. We have some books now that I never read as a child so it has been fun to rediscover them.
You gotta love Little House on the Prairie. They are several new ones - about Laura's mother, grandmother, and daughter. There are also some in an easier reading format for very early readers. Rachel is such a quick learner that I think she's already past the level of the easy reading books (she hasn't read them all..) That's okay. Sometimes its fun to read an easy book.
Dr. Seuss books are great. As I am teaching David to read I am learning that these books are great for a young reader. Even though they have some strange names it's all about rhyming and rhythm. Green Eggs and Ham is great for a beginning reader.
Eric Carle is one of my absolute favorites. I remember The Very Hungry Caterpillar from when I was a kid. I have discovered a lot more fun favorites now. Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see? Is one of Josh's favorite books. His artwork is beautiful as well.
We have also gathered quite a few books about how much parents love their kids - including the classic "Love you Forever" by Robert Munsch. The cover has a baby on the front in a pile of toilet paper. The author must be a dad.

So, there you have it! Some of our favorite books. And now I know which books we have, so I don't order the same one twice.


Sarah said...

Wow, you guys have quite the collection! What fun! I don't think there was a more exciting day at school than when the book orders came in.

Amanda said...

That's not even all our books! Just the ones that kind of go together...

Yeah, the kids get really excited when they get their orders.