Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Making Messes

My kids always want to do some kind of project. Why does it always involve paint or some other messy substance? I finally gave in today and yesterday and let them paint to their hearts content. I think one of the reasons I let them paint was to make it so I don't have to finish certain projects. I bought these wooden birdhouses about a year ago and they were still sitting unpainted on top of Rachel's book case. I bought these wooden crates to make little end tables for the boys room. I did paint one of the crates about 6 months ago and I'm quite proud of it (it's painted red, white, and blue with white stars) but I never painted the other one and I finally put it in their room unfinished. So, even though I cringed at the idea of three kids throwing around acrylic paint, (unwashable, mind you) they stayed occupied for an hour and 3 projects got finished. That's probably the only way they were going to get painted anyway. So, they are not perfect, and they don't really match anything, but kids love making stuff. And I can handle the mess - but just not every day.

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Sarah said...

looks like fun!

Jess said...

You are a good mom to let them paint and so brave to use acrylics. We are still in the beginning phases of learning to use a paintbrush and paints so washable paint is my friend.

Amanda said...

Well, it's once in a blue moon that I let them paint with those kind of paints. I only let them because they were painting on wood and I don't think a washable paint would have worked. Usually, I just let them use water paints! Actually, that is what Josh is using in the picture.