Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas morning

We had a great Christmas this year! Our best Christmas present was having our house (which had been on the market since June) close on December 22. It was supposed to close on the 19th and we were never really told why (paperwork??) it didn't happen. So, I had to worry all weekend long if it was really going to happen or not. We were so relieved when it was all final - just three days before Christmas. That would have been enough for me, but the kids would have been a little disappointed on Christmas morning :).

Emma loves learning her ABCs and when ever you asked her what she wanted, she always said ABCs!

Josh got a trunk of Star Wars dress up clothes complete with light sabers!

David still loves turtles and was thrilled to get a turtle Webkinz

Rachel just wanted a pretty watch ("a NICE one Mom, nothing plastic or Hannah Montana")

Enjoy the rest of the pictures in this slideshow.

We had a great Christmas and I am looking forward to the year to come.


Ginger said...

Oh my, Rachel. Those are the words of a very grown up girl - dare I say, "pre-teen".

Leah Dozier said...

I'm so happy for you guys! What a relief to have your house sell. I hope you all have a great year!

Jenn said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas! I am glad the waiting game is over for you guys!

Dawn said...

We also were excited about the sell of your home...we felt it was a huge blessing! We are glad you had a great Christmas. The kids look so happy.

Jenee Zirker said...

I'm so glad your house sold I've been meaning to drive by and check but haven't. Yea what a relief but we still wish you were here.