Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Rachel is 11!

We had a fun time celebrating Rachel's birthday. Her birthday was on June 9th and we celebrated a couple of days early. She wanted to go out to dinner as a family to Red Robin. I didn't bring the camera - but she was way excited when they sang to her and brought her a dish of ice cream. Later at home she opened her present - the much requested camera.

You can check out Rachel's blog for more fun pictures. Please let me know if you would like an invitation to her blog.

Here is her cake - these were the only 2 requirements she gave me - it had to be chocolate and she wanted to decorate it herself. Sounded good to me!

While we were in Utah, we also had a celebration for her birthday. We made a fun "rainbow" cake. It was Rachel's idea to decorate it with roses from my parent's yard. It turned out beautiful!

Here is the inside of the cake - a rainbow cake!

I can't believe my oldest is 11! She will be going to middle school in a few short weeks. Can anyone help me figure out how to stop my kids from growing?


Jess said...

I can't believe you have an 11 year old! Where has the time gone? I remember visiting you in Wymount when she was just a baby. Has it really been that long?

Elle said...

Try putting books on her head! (that might stop her from growing ;)