Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Christmas 2009

Despite the fact that it's taken me over a month to post our Christmas pictures, we had a nice Christmas. We spent Christmas at home and then spent the week after in New Mexico (we didn't really take any pictures there - it was just a nice time visiting with family). We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and morning and the kids were happy with their gifts. It all started the night before with some new Christmas pajamas.

The kids were all happy to get "footie" pajamas that I found in all the sizes.

Here's David going through his stocking while waiting for presents.

Josh, looking at his lifesaver book.

Emma found a lot of treasures in her stocking.

Emma loves pigs and was happy to add one to her collection.

Another webkinz for Josh.

David found his most sought after present first - the long awaited microscope.

Rachel was more than thrilled to get the next Leven Thumps book.

Be sure to check out the rest of the photos in the slide show!

1 comment:

Mollie said...

My boys have those same jammies! It's fun to see updates on your blog again. I'm not very good about keeping ours up to date either.