Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm a winner!

It seemed like everyone I knew had won something from the contest that Ryka was doing. I was even reading a blog that was linked from a friend of a friend - she got shoes and her mom got a shirt. My sisters both got shirts and everyone they knew that had entered had won something as well. My sister-in-law Ginger (whom I referred) won some shoes. I was feeling pretty left out. Then today, when I was leaving to get my kids from school, the fedex man was in my driveway. As soon as I saw him, I knew - I had won! Was it a shirt (not as exciting) or a new pair of running shoes? The weight and shape of the box gave it away. I won some shoes! Well, I'm not really that special - they were giving away 50 pairs of shoes each day for a month. But it's still exciting to me! Hopefully they won't give me shin splints when I run :)


Sarah said...

Yay! I'm glad you won. :)

Ginger said...

You ARE special, Amanda! And now I don't feel guilty. Yea!