Monday, November 10, 2008

Mom to the rescue

My kids come home with lots of notes in their backpacks. They need to bring something or have some special day at school, etc. With three kids in school it's hard to keep track of everything. I know I should write everything down on a big calendar or something, but we get by. Last week Josh brought something home from speech saying that he earned a "free day" (he has only been going to speech for less than a week - guess it doesn't take much to earn such a day) and that he had to bring cookies for the group of 4 kids. It was a note with blanks for the date, what to bring, and how many kids. It was written in Josh's cute handwriting - but still legible. So, last week, I glanced at it and it said Mon, Nov 13th was the day to bring cookies. All I noticed was that it said "Nov 13" which I knew was far in the future and I didn't have to worry about it yet. Fast forward to this morning - Josh is insisting that he has to bring cookies TODAY and that I forgot. So, I called his teacher, explained the discrepancy on the note, and said I could probably bring cookies to the school. I did have some errands to run today, starting with a Relief Society visit at 10:00 and I could probably pick up some cookies and drop them off at the school. She called me back at 8:00 am and said that he was supposed to bring cookies today and that his group meets at 9:00 am. Hmmm, didn't exactly fit into my schedule. I was still sitting here in my bathrobe and it wasn't going to work out to hurry and get dressed (and get Emma dressed) run to the store, run to the school, then do my errands - which involved going BACK to the store. The teacher said not to worry about it. But all I could think about was how Josh told me he needed cookies and how he would feel bad when he didn't have them. So, I quickly threw together a homemade batch of chocolate chip cookies and had them in the oven at 8:15. Now I'm just hoping they won't balk at homemade cookies - these days everything brought to school is supposed to be store-bought. I'll just say what I say to my kids when they get something and they would rather get something else - "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit".

Well, the cookies are out of the oven - time to run them over to the school. Hopefully they will appreciate it!


Heather said...

Mom's are amazing!!! I think that about so many little things we are able to do... like make cookies before most people are even awake. :) Hope the rest of your day is great!

Bond Fam said...

Oh Amanda you are such a good mom! You sound like me I am always doing things at the last minute and running around like a crazy person. Although this time it wasnt your fault and you still managed to get it done anyway! What a good mom!

Laura Bloomfield said...

Way To Go SuperMom!!!

Jenn said...

I can relate to mornings like this, I'm sure every Mom can! You are better than me, I don't know if I would have made the cookies! What a great Mom you are!