Wednesday, November 08, 2006

One two, buckle my shoe

When we lived in Utah, I attended a few classes put on by KBYU about reading and children. Each class would focus on some different aspect of how important reading and literacy are for kids. One class in particular was about nursery rhymes. They couldn't really tell us why, but they said it was so important for kids to learn nursery rhymes. I thought, "sure, they can be fun and cute", but I didn't really understand why they were so important. I hadn't really thought about this until I found a link to Scott Adam's blog. In case you don't recognize the name, he's the creator of the Dilbert comic. He had a really strange neurological disorder where he couldn't speak. He had this problem for 18 months and doctors offered him little hope. Read the blog to find out what happened. It was a nursery rhyme that saved his voice, or rather the connection between his brain and his mouth. Last night David was reading me some poems that he learned in school. Actually, he was reciting them because he had them completely memorized. It actually astounded me how well he knew these poems after reading them a few times in class on Friday - and then telling me them on Sunday. It got me to thinking, maybe there's something to these nursery rhymes after all.

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