Saturday, October 20, 2007

Emma scissor hands


This is why you should always know where all your pairs of scissors are. This is also another one of those times when your 2 year old is being very quiet for a long time and you don't know where they are. It's true, when they are quiet and happy they are usually doing something that they aren't supposed to. I'm just glad she only cut up her shirt and that it wasn't something new - although it was still in great condition. I just think it's funny how many times she cut her shirt. It was sliced from top to bottom in a wide path. Josh has done this before, but I think he was old enough to know better and he only cut his shirt in one or two places. Also, in my defense, she had a pair of child scissors that David had left out. Who knew they could cut through fabric? I guess the next time she is being very quiet, I should go and find her right away.
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Ginger said...

It IS so true - quiet = trouble!

Jess said...

Thank goodness it was her shirt and not her hair.

Amanda said...

That's pretty funny (about not cutting her hair) because she just got a hair cut and her hair is pretty short now. But if she had cut her own hair, it probably wouldn't have turned out as cute. I'll have to post that next.