Sunday, June 15, 2008

Blog Makeover

My blog has been too boring for quite a while. We've been in a hotel for a couple of days (and I've had a little bit of time on my hands) and today I decided to spruce it up a little. I actually changed the URL as well. Right now it will redirect from the old one ( to the new one ( but if you have it linked somewhere, please change your links and your RSS feeds. Originally we had two blogs - one was for the family (Aaron started it) and then I wanted a blog too, so I started one that was supposed to be for the kids. I got tired of updating 2 different blogs, so I merged them together, deciding to use the one that I set up. Now that it has been the family blog for a while, I wanted to change the URL to make it easier to remember and to better reflect what the blog was about.

Also, the new name. I've been trying to come up with a fun name for a while now and had basically come up with nothing. I was thinking about the past few years and how we've been in a lot of different situations. We've had to adapt to new towns, wards, friends, schools, etc. Instead of focusing on all the things we will miss about the old places, we are trying to make the best of our new situation. We first made the big change by moving to Omaha and most recently, the move to New Mexico. We hope that where ever we may be, we can bloom where we are planted.


Bond Fam said...

I love that Amanda, you are so right, you can bloom anywhere! That is completely how I feel also, I have always told Brian that we will go wherever the wind blows us and that we will be fine wherever we are as long as we have our little family and the gospel. And hopefully someday, my little family, wont be so little anymore! (: Im so happy for you guys!

Bond Fam said...

Oh and by the way, I love the new background on your blog, where did you find such a cute background? Or did you make it yourself, Im not smart enough with computers to design one myself!

Amanda said...

No, I did not make the background. I found it on

I did manage to make the header with an image I found and the very awkward paint program. I think I still need to work on that.

Bond Fam said...

Thank you so much Amanda, that is the best website for blog makeovers, all of the other ones I had found were dumb, but this one worked great! I think that the header looks really great!