Sunday, June 15, 2008

Blown out the door

Our last week in Omaha was filled with lots of storms and tornadoes. The Sunday before we left a tornado hit (not too far from where we live!) at 2:30 am. At least 100 homes were severely damaged and 7 were completely destroyed. Luckily, no one was killed. David and I huddled in the basement when we heard the sirens, I turned on the news and saw that the storm wasn't directly in our area, so I didn't wake the other kids. Unfortunately, it would have been too late if we had been in the area of the tornado, it was at such an unexpected time - the tornado hit before the sirens went off. Then Monday night the clouds looked like this.

This storm was didn't spawn any tornadoes. I love the way the clouds look. It can be kind of ominous, but beautiful at the same time.

We left on Tuesday evening to start the drive down to New Mexico. Wednesday night a really bad tornado hit north of Omaha. It hit a boy scout camp (I believe it is the one that our Church uses) and 4 boys got killed. I love a good thunderstorm, but the tornadoes can be pretty scary. Our kids are relieved that we are moving out of "tornado alley".


Jess said...

I can't believe all the tornadoes that have happened. I'm glad you guys were safe. Those clouds are cool, but kind of scary too.

Bond Fam said...

Wow how scary! Im so glad that you all made it out safely!