Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Place to call home

After looking at rental houses for two days, we found one that we thought would work. We decided to rent for a while for a couple reasons - we haven't sold our house yet in Omaha and we want to live in the area for a little while before we buy a house. The house we found is pretty nice, just a lot smaller than the one we had in Omaha. We get to move in tomorrow and it will be nice to get out of the hotel room. We are giving up access to a free pool (which has been nice in the 100+ degree weather) but I still can't wait to be in a house again. Here are some pictures.

I can't believe I forgot to take some of the front yard. It is enclosed behind a fence and there is a gas fire pit and outdoor kitchen. It's almost like a little courtyard. I'll have to take some pictures after we move in tomorrow. Hopefully we can fit all of our stuff :)


Bond Fam said...

Wow it looks really nice to me! It will be so nice for you guys to be able to take your time finding a house to buy! How nice to have a house to live in for a while!

Ginger said...

Wow Amanda! I wish I could live there! It looks great. I hope unpacking goes ok for you. Have fun!

Jess said...

That looks like a great house! Vegas loves the rock landscaping too!

Mollie said...

Your house looks so nice! And smaller space means less to clean, right?

Julie Olson said...

Looks like a nice house. I'd miss the garage and storage space too. I suggest getting a steam vac or cleaner for the's a pain to clean. I hope yours sells too! BEST WISHES!

Laurie said...

Yeah, Amanda it's so nice to catch up through your blog! I'm glad everything is going well for you in New Mexico. But, we still miss you and your family here. Darling blog! I am glad to have a new "blog buddy"- I will add yours on my list. Hope moving in to your place is smooth- it looks nice. Also,I'm sending out positive vibes to prospective buyers here in Omaha, hope the house sells soon.

Sheri said...

This home is so different than anything you would find in Omaha, but it looks really nice! I love the private front yard. Yeah for having somewhere to live!