Saturday, June 10, 2006

Birthday fun

Yesterday my oldest daughter turned 8! It was a fun and exciting birthday for her. Yesterday we had a family party. The main present that she wanted was a trip to the Build a Bear Workshop. She had fun there and we came home with a purple bear wearing a butterfly t-shirt and a denim skirt. Personally, I like bears sans clothes, but dressing them is all part of the fun! We made ice cream sundaes - mainly because I didn't want to have 2 cakes hanging around the house. She also got some books - Anne of Green Gables, and 4 Little House on the prairie books - the Rose, Caroline, and Martha years. Rachel is just hitting the age where she loves reading and I want to have plenty of good books around for her to devour. She also got a Karaoke machine from Grandma - which was a big hit. Even her brothers beg her to let them use it. It is a lot of fun.

Today was the friend party. My initial rule was that they could have one every other year - now I'm beginning to think that is too often. Birthday parties stress me out big time. I am so glad that it's over. We had 7 other girls here. We made book marks, and flip flops, and played a game. I think the moral of the story is to try a craft first before you have 8 little girls try and do it. I think it went okay, the flip flops just took a lot longer to make than I thought they would. She got some fun toys. She's especially excited about the Bratz doll because I won't let her buy them - oh well. I'm just glad that she' s made so many friends since we moved here. The final excitement of the day is getting her hair cut. She declared she wants a bob - just like her favorite first grade teacher. I've always loved long hair on little girls, but she has had long hair for a very long time. And, it is very difficult to brush it. I think she'll be darling. I'll have to post a before and after. So, the festivities are about over. I'm just glad I won't be having any more bad dreams about not having enough flip flops...

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