Tuesday, June 13, 2006


We have fireflies here! Someone told Aaron that they had them here in Omaha but I didn't believe it until tonight when I saw one. We were all playing outside and I saw this weird bug flying around. All of a sudden it's tail end lit up and we were all mesmerized. We had them in Virginia. I never really thought much of them as a teen ager. Then when I brought my kids back there (when they were 4 and 2), they were just so excited. It was so much fun to run around the yard and chase them - maybe try and catch one. I'm wondering how long they will last. In Virginia, it was always around the 4th of July - and they only lasted a few weeks. It's just long enough so you're still excited to see them and not tired of them yet. I wonder how long they will last here? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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