Friday, June 09, 2006

First Steps

Well, my sweet little baby girl just took her first steps. That is officially the beginning to the toddler years. Since crawling is still her first choice in modes of transportation, I can't call her a toddler yet. It will probably be a few more weeks until she really starts walking. That's probably a good thing since the walking comes with a lot of falling - and bumps - and bruises. I can't believe I'm actually feeling weepy as I write this entry. My last baby is walking.... I never thought this phase of my life would be over. In about a year, I'll be done with diapers too. And I've been dealing with that for the past 8 years - almost non stop. I guess that's okay. I probably need the energy for the next phase. I can't decide if my oldest is officially a "tween" yet, but I know that part is coming - sooner that I realize. I think I can still call her a baby until she is 2.... or maybe 18.


Sarah said...

oh, my little emma is walking! You'll have to get some video of it and post it for all to see :) I can't believe she's getting so big!

Amanda said...

Yeah, the problem is she has only done it a few times. I need to try and catch her when I have the camera near by. She'll probably be doing it all the time pretty soon!