Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I have a budding artist

whose favorite canvas is beige carpet and whose medium of choice is a dark blue sharpie marker. If I hadn't been so mad I probably would have taken a picture of it. The artist denied any involvement in the "art" but unfortunately for the artist, the drawing was his name and a stick person. This story has a happy ending. Did you know that you can remove sharpie marker with rubbing alcohol? It took half a bottle, some time, and some elbow grease but the carpet is back to it's original state. So, hopefully this artist had learned his lesson. But I needed to learn a lesson too. People are more important than things. And houses with 4 kids living in them will never be perfect.


Ginger said...

Oh Josh, you little stinker! I'm glad you got it out - that's a good cleaning tip to remember!

Jess said...

It is so hard to remember to be calm in those situations. I am glad you were able to get it out of the carpet. I will have to remember that tip.

Laura Bloomfield said...

I'm sure if it was my carpet, I would not have been in the mood to stop and take a picture... but as an Aunt... I wish I could have seen his masterpiece! I'm soooo glad that you were able to get that out and that cleaning tip will definitely go in my bank of things to remember!

Bond Fam said...

I know what you mean, sometimes Broc colors on the floor and I get so mad, but he just looks at me , like , "But mom its a pretty picture" Thats good to know about the rubbing alcohol.