Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fun with Paper mache

As most of you know my kids did a little paper mache project recently. It really was David's idea and he made the cutest turtle. The directions were for a piggy bank and David modified them to make a turtle. I was proud of them for wanting to spend their time on something "non-electronic" and proud of my self for allowing them to make such a mess in the house. They were so proud of their creations! Here is the work in action.

Here is David with his finished project.

They really love doing art projects - the messier, the better


Jess said...

That turtle is so cute! You are so good to let them do a messy art project.

Jenn said...

Wow how fun! That is one project we haven't tried at our house yet. Good for you guys, it turned out so cute too!

Bond Fam said...

I used to love to do paper mache! It looks like they had lots of fun!