Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Star Wars Birthday

Josh loves all things Star Wars, the legos, the video game, and the movies. So, when his birthday rolled around, I knew that he would love getting some new Star Wars stuff. He loved the action figures he got (some of which helped decorate his cake) and the ship. He also got some Star Wars dishes. I guess the one thing that didn't go along with the theme was a Spiderman water bottle, but he loved that anyway. The great thing about this age is you can get them almost anything - and you know that they will appreciate it. He actually asked for a scooter (we already have a few, though technically they don't belong to Josh, but he already rides the ones we have all the time) and a Superman cake (because he had one a couple years a go). He also wanted some Lego Star Wars sets. He was absolutely thrilled with everything he got even though it wasn't what he asked for. Sometimes you don't know you want something until you actually have it. I think he'll be rounding out his collection with the birthday money from grandparents. Here are some pictures from his family party. He turned 6.

Happy Birthday Josh!


Bond Fam said...

How fun! I wish I could have been there, I love Star Wars too! The cake looks really yummy!

The Keel Gang said...

My son, Noah, who will turn 7 October 29th would LOVE to have a Star Wars birthday party. I just love this cake - it's simple, but to the point! Thanks for sharing & MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU JOSH!!

Jess said...

We would have loved that party at our house. Luke and Kevin are big Star Wars fans. Sounds like a fun time.

Sam said...

Harrison has that exact same shirt, and is wearing it today! (complete with a cape, of course, because what super hero doesn't have a cape?)

Jo Romero said...

Cute cake. we just went to a star wars party. I guess its the in thing! (i better watch the movies :) ) your bows are cute too!

Jenn said...

Oh your cake turned out great! I am glad he had such a great birthday! Star Wars is a favorite over our way too!

Ginger said...

Oh man, Josh! Sam is going to love this post when I show it to him. We need to get you two together again soon so you can revel in your love for Star Wars together. Hope you had a great birthday!